Thank you for booking with Kidz Camp Essex this School break. You will receive a confirmation email within 7 days.

If you have any further questions regarding your booking or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us either through our Facebook page or by calling a member of the team on: 01702 879224.


Our bank details to make payment are as follows:


Kidz Camp Essex ltd

Sort Code: 40-42-27

Account Number: 42285347


Please make sure that you reference your child(ren)s name when making a payment.

Payment can be made over the phone or by childcare vouchers.

Please ensure any childcare voucher payments are submitted 7 working days before your child/children attend camp.

Please see 'Ofsted & Childcare Vouchers' for more information.

Kind Regards

Kidz Camp Essex

01702 879224