Covid-19 Company Guidance

This document was prepared on the 1st July 2020 and any updates will be ongoing in line with government guidance.

It will also work alongside current company policies and procedures and does not act as a replacement.

Once an update is made, it will be released immediately.


This Document was updated on the 1st of December 2021 to keep in-line with current government guidance


Table of contents

IntroductionGuidance for ParentsRegistration processOverall running of the dayPersonal Protective Equipment (PPE)Health and wellbeing of childrenHygiene and cleaningCancelation policyResponding to a suspected case of coronavirusAdditional FAQ’s



To keep in line with the latest government information, we are updating our company guidance to reflect this. We are of course thrilled to be open to all families. We take full guidance from central and local government and will work flat out to implement necessary changes to our childcare provision. The government, Kidz Camp Essex, and all the schools we work with reserve the right to cancel any bookings or lettings due to the ongoing pandemic. The safety of the children, parents and our staff take main consideration when putting together this guidance pack. We will not at any time willingly put anyone’s safety at risk.


Some of the ways we are ensuring a safe environment are by:

Asking anyone who is displaying coronavirus symptoms, or who lives with someone who does, to not attend the setting.Cleaning our hands more often than usual. We will ensure children understand when and how to wash their hands, making sure they wash them thoroughly for at least 20 seconds using running water and soap and dry them thoroughly, and/or use alcohol hand rub or sanitiser ensuring that all parts of the hands are covered.Ensuring our children understand good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach and ensuring there is a good supply of tissues and bins throughout the setting.Implementing an enhanced cleaning schedule, ensuring surfaces touched by children and staff are cleaned regularly and throughout the day, including tabletops, door handles and play equipment.Asking parents and carers to follow the governments guidance on face coverings when dropping off and collecting their children


Guidance for Parents/Carers

We rely heavily on your support and without this we would not be able to run as smoothly as we would like.

Below are changes that need to be made to ensure the above:

a). Registration process

Where it is essential, parents/carers will receive a call before the start of the Half Term or School Holiday to discuss their booking, update any contact numbers and update any details on you and your childrenWe now only accept Pre-payments either over the phone, via a bank transfer or using childcare vouchers/tax free childcare for your child’s stay over the school break. We will continue to have a tuck shop on site with a maximum spend of £1 per day per child.Hand sanitiser will continue to be available on the registration table and must be used by the person dropping off, children and staff arriving.Necessary forms will continue to be sent out in advance and must be filled in before you arrive (if necessary)Parents are advised to email any changes to dates or additional information.

All the above will allow for a smooth registration period and reduce the level of contact we have with each other. It is important that we spend as little time as possible signing your child in so that other children can be signed in quickly and safely.


b). Running of the day

A lot of what we already do will continue to be in place to make sure your children have a great day, each time they attend. There will however be some changes to the running of the day.


The following changes therefore may happen:

Children will be placed in groups each day but will be able to mix with other children in other groups throughout the day, inside and outside.Groups will be decided on a ‘first through the door’ system each day, once the child has been signed in.Children can only bring into camp essential that they need to stay safe whilst at camp. More information on what to bring can be found on our website:Children will have their own base area with other members of their group, which is where they will eat their lunch and store their belongs for the day. Base areas are likely to change from day to dayChildren will be able to participate in group activities with members of other groups providing it is done so outside. All indoor activities must only be done with other children in their groups.Schedules will continue to reflect special activities, craft projects and sports per day however these may change due to circumstances out of our control.There will as always be a venue manager present to oversee all groups throughout the day.If at any point during collection or drop off that parents or carers would like to discuss matters concerning their child or feedback, this can be arranged providing that time allowsIf a longer conversation is needed, parents can either email with their queries or call the camp mobile or main line number at a more convenient time


c). Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

As always, the use of PPE will only be available for staff throughout the day. This will include facemasks, gloves, googles, and aprons. Some of which may be used if anyone needs first aid or any type of personal care. Hand sanitisers will also be available throughout the venue for use by the children and staff. Hand gels and sanitisers are no replacement for washing hands, which will be encouraged every hour, before and after eating and after using the toilet. In line with government guidance, the use of facemasks is not advised for children under the age of 11.


Health and wellbeing of children

There are many things that we can all do to ensure the health and wellbeing of the children is prioritised, we all must take responsibility for this throughout. As a setting, we follow Public Health England’s guidance that routine testing of an individual’s temperature is not a reliable method for identifying coronavirus. There is no need for anything other than normal personal hygiene and washing of clothes following a day in a childcare setting. We will, however, have an increased amount of temperature recording devices if needed. We do ask that anyone who is displaying coronavirus symptoms, or who lives with someone who does, does not attend the setting. That includes children and the staff who work here. We are also updating or including the following to our procedures:

A full detailed risk assessment is in place on coronavirusWe will be working closely with each school to mirror what they are doing to keep children safe. This will include entrances and exits as well as the safe use of spaceStaff in each group, will oversee the cleaning of their areas throughout the day which include but not limited to cleaning frequently touched surfaces, equipment, door handles and toilets. Bins will also be changed regularlyFrequent hand washing and good respiratory hygiene practices will be adopted including plenty of ventilation through open windows and doors. Safeguarding however will always take priorityMany, if not all the activities will take place outside whilst keeping in mind constant shade and water breaks throughout the day. This will be weather dependant.Each group of children will have a base area that only they and their group can use which will include their own toilet facilities and access to running water.Indoor and outdoor drinking fountains will not be accessible for the children or staff due to the high risk of cross contamination however our usual drinking containers which have taps will still be available and filled throughout the day by staff. Children must use their own drinking bottle


The main symptoms of coronavirus are:


a high temperaturea new, continuous cougha loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste


For further support or guidance on Coronavirus:


General hygiene and cleaning

Hygiene and cleanliness have always been a huge part of what we do at Kidz Camp Essex and will continue to be how we run our childcare service. Here are ways we have changed or improved our service:

Introduced a new daily cleaning rota for each groups’ staff to follow throughout the day with timely prompts givenHourly hand washing by staff and children alike, typically before and after activities, which include snack and lunch times and using the toiletsThe use of more open aired spaces for activities while continuing to focus on shade and water breaksIncreased amounts of hand sanitiser for both the staff and children available throughout the venue


Cancelation policy

One thing that has not changed is our cancelation policy. We are requiring customers to pay for the childcare of their children in advance before they arrive to allow for a smoother registration process. Therefore, it is more important than ever that you are aware of our cancelation policy. See below (taken directly from our website under terms and conditions):

If any days need to be cancelled for any reason, a minimum of 2 days’ or 48 hours’ notice needs to be given. If you have paid for your days in advance, a credit note will be given to you for any future camps. Any notice given out of the two-day window may result in any money paid being lost.


Responding to a suspected case of Coronavirus

Anyone who begins to display coronavirus symptoms during their time at one of our settings will be sent home immediately and must follow government guidelines on what to do if you or someone in your household develops symptoms. If a child is waiting to be collected, they will be separated from their group and where possible isolated with one member of staff.


A facemask should be worn if 2 metres cannot be maintained from a child who is symptomatic and awaiting collection. If contact is necessary, then care must be taken. staff and children who are attending a childcare setting will have access to a test if they display symptoms of coronavirus and are encouraged to get tested in this scenario and follow the current government guidance.

As part of the national test and trace programme, if other cases are detected within the setting, Public Health England’s Local Health Protection Teams will conduct a rapid investigation and will advise settings on the most appropriate action to take. Where settings are observing guidance on infection prevention and control, which will reduce risk of transmission, closure of the whole setting will not generally be necessary


Additional FAQ’s

Please refer to our website ( for updated FAQ’s. As always, if you have any queries, questions, or concerns, you can always contact us via the following ways:

Phone: 01702 879224

Facebook: Kidz Camp Essex

Twitter: @kidzcampessex

Email: [email protected]
